Home > Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles > Low-mass Stellar and Substellar Candidate Companions around Massive Stars in Sco OB1 and M17 |
Pauwels, Tinne ; Reggiani, Maddalena ; Sana, Hugues ; Mahy, Laurent
published in The Astronomical Journal, 168 issue 5, pp. 13 (2024)
Abstract: Massive stars are recognized for their high degree of multiplicity, yet the mass ratio regime below 0.1 remains insufficiently explored. It is therefore unknown whether extremely low-mass (possibly substellar) companions can form and survive in the direct UV-irradiated environment of massive stars. In this paper, we discuss Very Large Telescope/Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch integral field spectrograph (0.″15–0.″85) observations of six massive O- and early B-type stars in Sco OB1 and M17 that each have a low-mass candidate companion (CC). Two targets have companions that are brown dwarf candidates. The other four have CCs in the low end of the stellar mass regime (≤0.30 M ⊙). For three of these, we have obtained a second epoch observation. At least two sources exhibit similar proper motion to that of their central star. However, given the expected proper motion of background objects, this does not imply certain companionship. We show how future follow-up observations of the brown dwarf CCs in the J, H, and L bands should allow for an unambiguous confirmation of their nature.
DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/ad6f06
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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles