Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > New empirical mass-loss rates and clumping properties of massive stars |
Hawcroft, C. ; Sana, H. ; Mahy, L. ; Sundqvist, J. O. ; Abdul-Masih, M. ; Bouret, J. C. ; Brands, S. A. ; de Koter, A. ; Driessen, F. A. ; Puls, J.
published in Massive Stars Near and Far, Edited by J. Mackey, J.S. Vink and N. St-Louis. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, held 8-13 May 2022 in Ballyconnell, Ireland. Cambridge University Press, 2024, 361, pp. 168-173 (2024)
Abstract: Hot, massive stars are known to host unstable, radiation-driven outflowing winds, giving rise to dense clumps of material which severely affect the diagnostic techniques used to derive wind properties of massive stars. Most of the current diagnostic models account for wind inhomogeneities by assuming a one-component medium consisting of optically thin clumps, and maintaining a smooth velocity-field. However, this neglects important light-leakage effects through porous channels in-between the clumps. These light-leakage effects have recently been incorporated in the stellar atmosphere modelling code FASTWIND, and here we will present quantitative mass-loss results from a combined Ultraviolet-Optical wind analysis of O-supergiants in the Galaxy. Using a genetic-algorithm fitting-approach, we systematically investigate the impact the wind physics has on derived stellar and wind parameters, and how this depends on metallicity and spectral type. We compare our findings with earlier results (which do not take into account such light-leakage effects), to standard mass-loss rates usually included in evolution model studies of massive stars, and with theoretical predictions of clumping properties. We will also present the first systematic empirical constraints on the new wind parameters, associated with light-leakage, and compare these with theoretical predictions.
DOI: 10.1017/S1743921322003234
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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
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