Ref: POSTER-2025-0028

Sakurai's object: a [WC] star in a new bipolar nebula after a VLTP

an de Steene, Griet ; van Hoof, Peter ; Kimeswenger, Stefan ; Hajduk, Marcin ; Tafoya, Daniel ; Toala, Jesus ; Zijlstra, Albert ; Barria, Daniela

Poster presented at IAUS 384: Planetary Nebulae: a Universal Toolbox in the Era of Precision Astrophysics on 2023-09-04

Abstract: Optical spectra of the Very Late Thermal Pulse (VLTP) object V4334 Sgr have shown a rapidly changing spectrum resulting from shocks in the outflow, which created a new bipolar nebula inside the old nebula. We see C II and C III emission lines emerging typical of a [WC 11-10]-type star. The strong increase of [O III] and [S III] emission lines indicate the possible onset of photoionisation in the new ejecta.

Keyword(s): stars: planetary nebulae, ; VLTP, ; bipolar
Links: link

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Posters

 Record created 2025-01-20, last modified 2025-01-20