Home > Conference Contributions & Seminars > Conference Talks > Invited Talks > 2 days Course: Space Weather impacts on Aviation - online |
Vanlommel, Petra ; D'Huys, Elke ; Janssens, Jan ; Marqué, Christophe ; De Donder, Erwin ; Dom, Elisabeth
Invited talk presented at Space Weather Education Center on 2024-03-04
Abstract: This course is intended as an entry course on Space Weather for aviation. It provides an elementary overview over the relevant aspects of space weather without invoking complicated background physics. The course is intended for staff that will be providing Space Weather information to aviation and for staff who needs to understand ICAO Space Weather Advisories. Content The content focuses on Space Weather and Space Weather advisories in the domains GNSS, HF com and radiation at FL including the effects on human-made infrastructure and its functionality used in aviation. We discuss solar eruptions of very high-energy matter and electromagnetic radiation which inject massive amounts of energy in the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere leading to pronounced impact on navigation, communication and leading to an increase of harmful particle radiation. Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of waves, particles, vectors, magnetic field, electric currents, etc.
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Conference Contributions & Seminars > Conference Talks > Invited Talks
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence