Ref: CTALK-2025-0011

PLATO benchmark stars

Merle, T.

Talk presented at EAS2024/, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, held 1-5 July, 2024 in Padova, Italy on 2024-07-04

Abstract: At the era of large ground-based and spatial surveys, it becomes vital to have sets of well-studied and characterised stars to anchor the analysis of millions stars on solid grounds, to ensure that atmospheric parameters and detailed chemical abundances derived on "industrial scales" are reliable, i.e. accurate and precise. In the context of PLATO, a benchmark star is a star with very well-defined properties useful to calibrate pipelines and models before the operations start and to validate results during the operational phase. Here we present such a sample of benchmark stars that fulfills the requirements from WP120000. The sample contains two sets of benchmark stars: one with accurate parameters from well-studied stars (Gaia benchmark stars, Titans I and II samples, solar analogs, binaries, etc.), and another with precise parameters from large catalogues (e.g. from SPOCS, Gaia-Kepler, APOGEE-Kepler, etc.). In addition, a benchmark level is defined for each property: a level B1 corresponds to an 'accurate' property coming from first principles or with a low dependency on models, a level B2 corresponds to a 'precise' property with high dependency on models, and a level B3 corresponds to a property derived from empirical relations. The characteristics of the PLATO benchmark database will be presented and discussed in the context of the preparation and exploitation of the PLATO mission.

Links: link; link2
Funding: BELSPO/FED-tWIN/Prf-2020-033_BISTRO

The record appears in these collections:
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Conference Talks > Contributed Talks
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics

 Record created 2025-01-03, last modified 2025-01-03

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