Ref: SCART-2025-0002

On the Existence of Long-Period Decayless Oscillations in Short Active Region Loops

Shrivastav, Arpit Kumar ; Pant, Vaibhav ; Kumar, Rohan ; Berghmans, David ; Van Doorsselaere, Tom ; Banerjee, Dipankar ; Petrova, Elena ; Lim, Daye

accepted to be published in ApJ (2024)

Abstract: Decayless kink oscillations, characterized by their lack of decay in amplitude, have been detected in coronal loops of varying scales in active regions, quiet Sun and coronal holes. Short-period (< 50 s) decayless oscillations have been detected in short loops (< 50 Mm) within active regions. Never- theless, long-period decayless oscillations in these loops remain relatively unexplored and crucial for understanding the wave modes and excitation mechanisms of decayless oscillations. We present the statistical analysis of decayless oscillations from two active regions observed by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard Solar Orbiter. The average loop length and period of the detected oscillations are 19 Mm and 151 seconds, respectively. We find 82 long-period and 23 short-period oscillations in these loops. We do not obtain a significant correlation between loop length and period. We discuss the possibility of different wave modes in short loops, although standing waves can not be excluded from possible wave modes. Furthermore, a different branch exists for active region short loops in the loop length vs period relation, similar to decayless waves in short loops in quiet Sun and coronal holes. The magnetic fields derived from MHD seismology, based on standing kink modes, show lower values for multiple oscillations compared to previous estimates for long loops in active regions. Additionally, the comparison of period distributions in short loops across different coronal regions indicates that different excitation mechanisms may trigger short-period kink oscillations in active regions compared to the quiet Sun and coronal holes.

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The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence

 Record created 2025-01-02, last modified 2025-01-02