Ref: SCART-2024-0192

First Meteor Observations with SPADE

Manuel Mascarenhas, Adrien ; Maurice, Lucas ; Martínez Picar, Antonio ; Marqué, Christophe

published in WGN, 52 issue 4-5, pp. 97-99 (2024)

Abstract: Various technical parameters of the Solar Phase-Array Demonstrator located at the Humain Radio Astronomy Station of the Royal Observatory of Belgium have been adjusted to initiate its operation in radio frequency. The BRAMS radio beacon, located in Dourbes, Belgium, offers an opportunity to verify the instrument’s performance by observing radio meteor echoes. This paper presents the preliminary results obtained with the instrument

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The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles

 Record created 2024-12-16, last modified 2024-12-16

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