Ref: POSTER-2024-0059

Diffuse Quiet Solar Corona

Gorman, J. ; Chitta, L.P. ; Peter, H. ; Berghmans, D. ; Auchère, F. ; Aznar Cuadrado, R. ; Teriaca, L. ; Solanki, S.K. ; Verbeeck, C. ; Kraaikamp, E. ; Stegen, K. ; Gissot, S.

Poster presented at Joint Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, and DKIST Meeting on 2024-04-09

Abstract: The quiet Sun corona imaged at 1 MK mostly consists of diffuse emission that lacks the spatial structuring seen in coronal loops or bright points. These diffuse regions, despite having a total intensity comparable to a bright point, have only very small intensity fluctuations. Data are inconsistent with driver being power-law-like distribution of discrete heating events

Keyword(s): Solar Orbiter ; EUI ; corona
Links: link

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Posters
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence

 Record created 2024-03-26, last modified 2024-03-26