      author        = "Karatekin, Ö. and Delva, P. and Altamimi, Z. and
                       Blazquez, A. and Blossfeld, M. and öhm, J. and Bonnefond,
                       P. and Boy, J.-P. and Bruinsma, S. and Bury, G. and
                       Chatzinikos, M. and Couhert, A. and Courde, C. and Dach, R.
                       and Dehant, V. and Dell'Agnello, S. and Elgered, G. and
                       Enderle, W. and Exertier, P. and Glaser, S. and Haas, R.
                       and Huang, W. and Hugentobler, U. and Jäggi, A. and
                       Lemoine, F. and Le Poncin-Lafitte, C. and Lunz, S. and
                       Männel, B. and Mercier, F. and Métivier, L. and
                       Meyssignac, B. and Müller, J. and Nothnagel, A. and
                       Perosanz, F. and Rietbroek, R. and Rothacher, M. and Sert,
                       H. and Schuh, H. and Sosnica, K. and Testani, P. and
                       Ventura-Traveset, J. and Wautelet, G. and Zajdel, R.",
      title         = "{ESA's GENESIS mission: Advancing terrestrial reference
                       systems by co-location of geodetic techniques in space. }",
      month         = "Apr",
      year          = "2023",