Bechet, Sabrina ; Clette, Frédéric
Dataset released under the open data policy
Abstract: The USET station hosts since 2002 three modern telescopes equipped with digital cameras recording full-disk images of the Sun in three different parts of the visible-light spectrum: broad-band white-light to observer the photosphere, and two telescopes with narrow-band filters (H-alpha line at 656.3 nm and Ca II K line at 393.37 nm) to monitor the chromosphere, where solar eruptive phenomena can be detected. The images have been recentered (less than 1 pixel precision), information about coordinate system was added in the header, so that data can be further processed with existing solar libraries and softwares. The image file format is FITS. The FITS header has been made homogeneous throughout the dataset and complies with the SOLARNET recommendations.
Keyword(s): USET ; Sunspot ; Photosphere ; Chromosphere
DOI: 10.24414/nc7j-b391
Links: link
The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence