Ref: SCART-2024-0079

Long-term analysis of microseism during extreme weather events: Medicanes and common storms in the Mediterranean Sea

Borzì, A.M. ; Minio, V. ; De Plaen, R. ; Lecocq, T. ; Cannavò, F. ; Ciraolo, G. ; D’Amico, S. ; Lo Re, C. ; Monaco, C. ; Picone, M. ; Scardino, G. ; Scicchitano, G. ; Cannata, A.

published in Science of The Total Environment, 915 issue 169989 (2024)

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.169989
Links: link

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Seismology & Gravimetry
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles

 Record created 2024-02-06, last modified 2024-02-06