Ref: POSTER-2024-0024

Solar wind modelling at near-Sun distances using the COCONUT coronal model and the EUHFORIA heliospheric model

Senthamizh Pavai, V ; Magdalenic1, J ; Niemela1, A ; Linan, L

Poster presented at European Space Weather Week, Toulouse, France on 2023-11-20

Abstract: The results of our recent solar wind modelling study with the 3D MHD model EUHFORIA (EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset, Pomoell & Poedts, 2018) at near the Sun distances show a large discrepancy between modelling results and in situ observations by Parker Solar Probe (PSP). One possible reason for this modelling inaccuracy is the simple coronal model of EUHFORIA. The default coronal model of EUHFORIA uses the potential field source surface, Schatten current sheet model and Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA, Arge et al., 2003) description of the solar wind to provide the plasma and magnetic conditions at the inner boundary (0.1 AU) of EUHFORIA. In this work, we employ the alternative recently developed coronal model COCONUT (The COolfluid COroNa UnsTructured, Perri et al., 2022). This global coronal model relies on ideal-MHD and it has already provided some promising first modelling results (Kuźma et al. 2023). We then compare the solar wind modelling results from this set-up with the standard EUHFORIA coronal+heliospheric model setup, by evaluating their agreement with the in situ observations from PSP for its first ten close encounters.

Keyword(s): solar wind modeling, EUHFORIA, PSP, COCONUT coronal model
Funding: Grant B2/191/P1/SWiM from BRAIN.be

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Posters

 Record created 2024-02-01, last modified 2024-02-01