Ref: DATASET-2024-0016

EPOS-GNSS data quality check (update for 2022)

Bamahry, Fikri ; Legrand, Juliette ; Bruyninx, Carine

Dataset released under the open data policy

Abstract: The long-term tracking performance for the EPOS-GNSS stations based on data availability and data quality metrics (the ratio observed vs. expected observations, the number of missing epochs, the number of observed satellites, the maximum number of observations, the number of cycle slips, the standard point positioning results and the multipath values on code observations). The data quality metrics are retrieved from the EPOS-GNSS data nodes where they were computed using the G-Nut/Anubis software. Input files are the daily RINEX (V2 or V3) observation files available from each node. All of the quality plots contain information for the GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BeiDou constellations on all available frequencies. Updated daily.

Keyword(s): GNSS quality metrics
Links: link; link2; link3; link4; link5

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Reference Systems & Planetology

 Record created 2024-01-30, last modified 2024-01-30