Ref: SCART-2023-0164

Radio meteor echoes observation with SPADE

Mouhaou, Déborah ; Martínez Picar, Antonio ; Marqué, Christophe ; Gunessee, Akhil

published in Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Redu, 31 September – 3rd August, pp. 31--33

Abstract: The Small Phased-Array DEmonstrator (SPADE) hardware, installed at the Humain Radio-Astronomy Station, has undergone independent antenna tests, obtaining successful radio meteor echo detections. Although the full phased-array operation remains pending commissioning, a preliminary configuration is proposed. By combining all antenna element signals without phase manipulation, a zenith-oriented beam can be achieved. This configuration proves suitable for detecting radio meteor echoes from the BRAMS transmitter in Dourbes via the forward-scatter principle. The SPADE system's gradual enhancement will allow the observation of radio meteor echoes with increased precision and sensitivity.

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles

 Record created 2023-11-09, last modified 2024-03-06