      author        = "Mierla, Marilena  and Cremades, Hebe   and Andretta,
                       Vincenzo  and Chifu, Iulia  and Zhukov, Andrei N.  and
                       Susino, Roberto  and Auchère, Frédéric  and Vourlidas,
                       Angelos  and Talpeanu, Dana-Camelia  and Rodriguez, Luciano
                        and Janssens, Jan  and Nicula, Bogdan  and Aznar Cuadrado,
                       Regina  and Berghmans, David  and Bemporad, Alessandro  and
                       D'Huys, Elke  and Dolla, Laurent  and Gissot, Samuel  and
                       Jerse, Giovanna  and Kraaikamp, Emil  and Long, David M. 
                       and Mampaey, Benjamin  and Möstl, Christian  and Pagano,
                       Paolo  and Parenti, Susanna  and West, Matthew J.  and
                       Podladchikova, Olena  and Romoli, Marco  and Sasso,
                       Clementina  and Stegen, Koen  and Teriaca, Luca  and
                       Thompson, William  and Verbeeck, Cis  and Davies, Emma ",
      title         = "{Three Eruptions Observed by Remote Sensing Instruments
                       Onboard Solar Orbiter}",
      year          = "2023",