Ref: CTALK-2023-0061

High spatial imaging of coronal upflows in the quiet Sun – sources of solar wind?

Harra, L. ; Barczynski, K. ; David Berghmans, D. ; ManyOtherAuthors, X. ; Kraaikamp, E. ; Rodriguez, L. ; Verbeeck, C. ; Zhukov, A.

Talk presented at Solar Orbiter 8, Belfast (UK) on 2022-09-13

Abstract: In previous work, we have determined sources of upflows in the quiet Sun and coronal holes that do not have a strong intensity enhancement such as a jet [see Schwanitz et al., 2021]. These upflows could be particularly important as an additional (and nearly ‘invisible’) source of the solar wind. During the first science perihelion of Solar Orbiter, joint observations were made with the Hinode spacecraft allowing for coronal Doppler velocity measurements. We combined spectroscopic data from Hinode/EIS with imaging data from Solar Orbiter‘s EUV Imager (EUI) high resolutions imagers (with down to 135 km spatial resolution and 5 sec time cadence) and SDO‘s AIA to identify potential sources for the upflow regions. Some of the upflow regions fall on bright points and active loops, which show changes in the magnetic field configuration and small changes in intensity. In contrast to that, a few upflows can be seen on quiet regions, which do not show strong intensity fluctuations or noticeable magnetic field changes. Many upflows region analysed are located next to regions with a gradient in intensity (sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing). In addition, we combined the data with chromospheric data from the IRIS slitjaw images. We discuss the sources of the upflow, and determine if they fit within categories as small-scale brightenings or eruptions highlighted in our previous paper.

Keyword(s): Solar Orbiter ; EUI
Links: link

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Conference Contributions & Seminars > Conference Talks > Contributed Talks
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence

 Record created 2023-02-01, last modified 2023-02-01