Ref: THESIS-2023-0002

Understanding the acceleration of the fast solar wind by linking remote sensing and in situ observations

Koukras, Alexandros

PhD thesis supervised by Keppens, Rony; Dolla, Laurent (KULeuven)

Abstract: The present study has at its core an underlying principle which is the combination of resources from multiple domains, such as analytical and numerical methods, multi-instrument observations and data analysis techniques. This methodology is used to establish a robust connection between the solar wind that is observed in situ and its source region on the Sun. Next, we explore how this connection can be used to derive physical insights about the processes that are potentially involved in the acceleration of the fast solar wind. Additionally, we apply this principle to study other, more energetic events, in the solar corona, like global extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves (aka EIT-waves) and solar flares. Such events can have a significant impact on human activities at Earth and in Space, making the better understanding and prediction of those crucial for society.

Links: link
Funding: FWO/FWO/FWO

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)

 Record created 2023-01-20, last modified 2023-01-20