Ref: POSTER-2022-0039

3D Visualisation of Solar Data with JHelioviewer

Müller, Daniel ; Nicula, Bogdan ; Verstringe, Freek ; Bourgoignie, Bram ; Berghmans, David ; Laube, Silvan ; Csillaghy, André ; Osuna, Pedro ; Rouillard, Alexis ; Ireland, Jack ; Garcia Briseno, Daniel ; Fleck, Bernhard

Poster presented at 8th Solar Orbiter Workhop, Belfast (UK) on 2022-09-12

Abstract: Solar observatories are providing the world-wide community with a wealth of data, covering large time ranges (e.g. SOHO), multiple viewpoints (STEREO, Solar Orbiter), and returning large amounts of data (SDO). To help with the associated challenges of data visualisation, visual browsing, and data access, the open source software JHelioviewer has been developed as part of the ESA/NASA JHelioviewer project. In this contribution, we highlight recently added functionality, in particularly related to the visualisation of Solar Orbiter data and the mission’s science operations planning during periods of short-term pointing updates.

Keyword(s): Sun ; corona ; jHelioviewer
Note: P70 of the conference abstract book

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Posters
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence

 Record created 2022-10-21, last modified 2022-10-21