Ref: POSTER-2021-0041

Revisiting well-known pulsating B-type stars: the combination of ground-based spectroscopy and multi-colour photometry with TESS

De Cat, P. ; Van Reeth, T. ; Many, Observers

Poster presented at European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2021, online (Leiden; The Netherlands) on 2021-06-28

Abstract: Asteroseismology is the study of pulsating stars in which a sufficient number of modes occur such that the stellar interior can be probed from oscillation studies. A better knowledge of the physical processes ongoing in the stellar interior is mandatory to improve our understanding of stellar evolution. Hence, it is of utmost importance to perform detailed studies for a wide variety of pulsating stars. Massive stars deserve special attention as they are potential progenitors of supernovae explosions that enrich the universe with the building blocks of the next generation of stars. For the project "Gravity-mode Asteroseismology of Stars with a convective core" (GAS), we have selected a sample of 30 bright slowly pulsating B stars (SPBs) that we have studied in the past based on time series of ground-based multi-colour photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy. Now we are adding ultra-precise space-based photometric observations gathered with the TESS mission to the archival data to optimize the observed frequency spectrum (both the number and accuracy of the pulsation frequencies) with the ultimate goal to derive the internal rotation profile Ω(r) and the chemical transport D_mix(r). These are two uncalibrated physical parameters for models of evolution that have an impact on the further life of stars. The study of gravity modes allows to estimate them, but this has only been done for two SPB stars so far (Moravveji et al., 2015, A&A 580, A27; Moravveji et al., 2016, ApJ, 823, 130). This project has therefore the potential to significantly increase the sample and hence to provide important clues for the improvement of the theoretical description of the internal physics of SPBs. In this talk, we will discuss preliminary results for a representative case-study to highlight the strengths of our approach.

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Posters

 Record created 2021-12-21, last modified 2021-12-21

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