      author        = "Cusano, F. and  Moretti, M.I. and  Clementini, G. and 
                       Ripepi, V. and  Marconi, M. and   Cioni, M.-R.L. and 
                       Rubele, S. and  Garofalo, A. and  de Grijs, R. and 
                       Groenewegen, M.A.T. and  Oliveira, J.M. and  Subramanian,
                       S. and  Sun, N.-C. and  van Loon, J.Th.",
      title         = "{The VMC Survey -- XLII. Near-infrared period-luminosity
                       relations for RR Lyrae stars and the structure of the Large
                       Magellanic Cloud}",
      year          = "2021",