author = "Peter, H. and Alsina Ballester, E. and Andretta, V. and
Auchere, F. and Belluzzi, L. and Bemporad, A. and
Berghmans, D. and Buchlin, E. and Calcines, A. and Chitta,
L.P. and Dalmasse, K. and del Pino Aleman, T. and Feller,
A. and Froment, C. and Harrison, R. and Janvier, M. and
Matthews, S. and Parenti, S. and Przybylski, D. and
Solanki, S.K. and Stepan, J. and Teriaca, L. and Trujillo
Bueno, J.",
title = "{Magnetic Imaging of the Outer Solar Atmosphere (MImOSA):
Unlocking the driver of the dynamics in the upper solar
year = "2020",
note = "Submitted to Experimental Astronomy (on 28. Jul. 2020).
Based on a proposal submitted in response to a call for
white papers in the Voyage 2050 long-term plan in the ESA
science programme. 36 pages, 10 figures License: