      author        = "Garcia, R.F. and Murdoch, N. and Dehant, V. and Bernauer,
                       F. and Schmelzbach, C. and Igel, H. and Guattari, F. and
                       Mimoun, D. and Lecamp, G. and Deraucourt, S. and Ferraoili,
                       L. and Stahler, S. and Karatekin, Ö. and Lognonné, P. and
                       Giardini, D. and Cadu, A. and Wilhlem, A.",
      title         = "{Vibrations and rotations of asteroids: planetary flyby as
                       an opportunity for internal structure imaging with 6
                       degrees of freedom instruments.}",
      month         = "Apr",
      year          = "2020",