Home > Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles > Irradiation Damage Tests on Backside-Illuminated CMOS APS Prototypes for the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager On-Board Solar Orbiter > BibTeX |
@article{BenMoussa:501, author = "BenMoussa, A. and Gissot, S. and Giordanengo, B. and Menants, Guy and Wang, X and Wolfs, B. and Bogaerts, J. and Schühle, U. and Berger, G. and Gottwald, A. and Laubis, C. and Kroth, U. and Scholze, F. and Soltani, A. and Saito, T.", title = "{Irradiation Damage Tests on Backside-Illuminated CMOS APS Prototypes for the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager On-Board Solar Orbiter}", year = "2013", }