Home > Conference Contributions & Seminars > Posters > Simulation of dynamics of hot plasma in postflare loops |
Shestov, S ; Van Doorsselaere, T ; Zhukov, A
Poster presented at 9th Coronal Loop Workshop, St. Andrews on 2019-06-10
Abstract: We investigate dynamics of hot plasma in postflare coronal loops using MHD modeling and calculating synthetic images/fluxes in various SDO channels and other spectral bands – GOES and Mg XII 8.42 A spectral line. Our aim is to investigate dynamics of evaporation and condensation/draining of hot plasma in postflare loops. We use 2D and 3D MHD simulations, start with loop-like initial magnetic field and realistic plasma parameters. For the solving of MHD equations we use MPI-AMRVAC code with gravity, thermal conduction and radiative loses. We apply arbitrary heating in the chromosphere which mimic chromospheric heating by the energetic electrons from the reconnection region. The plasma starts to evaporate and soon fills the overlying magnetic loop system. The observed plasma characteristics – temperature, density, flow, and their dynamics strongly depend on adopted physical conditions. In particular, strength of magnetic field plays important role, as well as heating rate, depth and the size of the heated region. To constrain the possible range of parameters we calculate synthetic images/fluxes in various EUV and X-ray channels with the use of the FoMo code. We compare calculated images with observational data (we chose one large-scale and one small-scale loop associated with ~B-class flares) and identify probable physical conditions, in which synthetic data match observations. We were able to find heating regimes to match the observations; beside we see several interesting features that can be revealed only in 2D or 3D modeling.
Keyword(s): loops ; simulations ; MHD
Links: link
The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Posters