Ref: SCART-2019-0201

An infared census of dust in nearby galaxies with Spitzer (DUSTiNGS), V. The period-luminosity relation for dusty metal-poor AGB stars

Goldman, S.R. ; Boyer, M.L. ; McQuinn, K.B.W. ; Whitelock, P.A. ; McDonald, I. ; van Loon, J.Th. ; Skillman, E.D. ; Gehrz, R.D. ; Javadi, A. ; Sloan, G.C. ; Jones, O.C. ; Groenewegen, M.A.T. ; Menzies, J.W.

published in ApJ, 877, pp. 502 (2019)

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles

 Record created 2019-11-25, last modified 2019-11-25

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