(171) STCE Newsletter
- Vanlommel, Petra et al
- PERIO-2017-0012
(168) Numerical simulation of the BRAMS interferometer in Humain
- Martínez Picar, Antonio et al
- published in Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference Egmond, the Netherlands, 2–5 June 2016, pp. 175-178 (2016)
- SCART-2017-0015
(167) Observation-based Sun-to-Earth simulations of geo-effective CMEs with EUHFORIA
- Scolini, C et al
- Invited talk presented at ISEST Workshop 2018, Hvar, Croatia on 2018-09-27
- CTALK-2019-0004
(164) Observation of the X9.3 flare on September 6 2017 in UV/EUV by PROBA2/LYRA
- Dominique, M. et al
- Talk presented at TESS meeting, Leesburg (USA) on 2018-05-23
- CTALK-2018-0072
(164) STCE Newsletters
- Vanlommel, P. et al
- PERIO-2018-0001
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