000003554 001__ 3554 000003554 005__ 20180910164426.0 000003554 0247_ $$2DOI$$a10.1007/s11214-018-0517-2 000003554 037__ $$aSCART-2018-0053 000003554 100__ $$aVandaele, A. C. 000003554 245__ $$aNOMAD, an Integrated Suite of Three Spectrometers for the ExoMars Trace Gas Mission: Technical Description, Science Objectives and Expected Performance 000003554 260__ $$c2018 000003554 520__ $$aThe NOMAD (“Nadir and Occultation for MArs Discovery”) spectrometer suite on board the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) has been designed to investigate the composition of Mars’ atmosphere, with a particular focus on trace gases, clouds and dust. The detection sensitivity for trace gases is considerably improved compared to previous Mars missions, compliant with the science objectives of the TGO mission. This will allow for a major leap in our knowledge and understanding of the Martian atmospheric composition and the related physical and chemical processes. The instrument is a combination of three spectrometers, covering a spectral range from the UV to the mid-IR, and can perform solar occultation, nadir and limb observations. In this paper, we present the science objectives of the instrument and explain the technical principles of the three spectrometers. We also discuss the expected performance of the instrument in terms of spatial and temporal coverage and detection sensitivity. 000003554 594__ $$aSTCE 000003554 6531_ $$aExoMars 000003554 6531_ $$aSolar occultation 000003554 6531_ $$aNadir observations 000003554 6531_ $$aMars atmosphere 000003554 6531_ $$aComposiiton 000003554 6531_ $$aInfrared 000003554 6531_ $$aUltraviolet 000003554 6531_ $$aVisible 000003554 6531_ $$aSpectroscopy 000003554 6531_ $$aMethane 000003554 6531_ $$aDust 000003554 700__ $$aLopez-Moreno, J.-J. 000003554 700__ $$aPatel, M. R. 000003554 700__ $$aBellucci, G. 000003554 700__ $$aDaerden, F. 000003554 700__ $$aRistic, B. 000003554 700__ $$aRobert, S. 000003554 700__ $$aThomas, I. R. 000003554 700__ $$aWilquet, V. 000003554 700__ $$aAllen, M. 000003554 700__ $$aAlonso-Rodrigo, G. 000003554 700__ $$aAltieri, F. 000003554 700__ $$aAoki, S. 000003554 700__ $$aBolsé, D. 000003554 700__ $$aClancy, T. 000003554 700__ $$aCloutis, E. 000003554 700__ $$aDepiesse, C. 000003554 700__ $$aDrummond, R. 000003554 700__ $$aFedorova, A. 000003554 700__ $$aFormisano, V. 000003554 700__ $$aFunke, B. 000003554 700__ $$aGonzález-Galindo, F. 000003554 700__ $$aGeminale, A. 000003554 700__ $$aGérard, J.-C. 000003554 700__ $$aGiuranna, M. 000003554 700__ $$aHetey, L. 000003554 700__ $$aIgnatiev, N. 000003554 700__ $$aKaminski, J. 000003554 700__ $$aKaratekin, O. 000003554 700__ $$aKasaba, Y. 000003554 700__ $$aLeeve, M. 000003554 700__ $$aLefèvre, F. 000003554 700__ $$aLewis, S. R. 000003554 700__ $$aLópez-Puertas, M. 000003554 700__ $$aLópez-Valverde, M. 000003554 700__ $$aMahieux, A. 000003554 700__ $$aMason, J. 000003554 700__ $$aMcConnell, J. 000003554 700__ $$aMumma, M. 000003554 700__ $$aNeary, L. 000003554 700__ $$aNeerfs, E. 000003554 700__ $$aRenotte, E. 000003554 700__ $$aRodriguez-Gomez, J. 000003554 700__ $$aSindoni, G. 000003554 700__ $$aSmith, M. 000003554 700__ $$aStiepen, A. 000003554 700__ $$aTrokhimovsky, A. 000003554 700__ $$aVander Auwera, J. 000003554 700__ $$aVillanueva, G. 000003554 700__ $$aViscardy, S. 000003554 700__ $$aWhiteway, J. 000003554 700__ $$aWillame, Y. 000003554 700__ $$aWolff, M. 000003554 700__ $$aAparecido Del Moral, B. 000003554 700__ $$aBarzin, P. 000003554 700__ $$aBenMoussa, A. 000003554 700__ $$aBerkenbosch, S. 000003554 700__ $$aBiondi, D. 000003554 700__ $$aBonnewijn, S. 000003554 700__ $$aCandini, G. P. 000003554 700__ $$aClairquin, R. 000003554 700__ $$aCubas, J. 000003554 700__ $$aDelanoye, S. 000003554 700__ $$aGiordanengo, B. 000003554 700__ $$aGissot, S. 000003554 700__ $$aGomez, A. 000003554 700__ $$aMaes, J. 000003554 700__ $$aMazy, E. 000003554 700__ $$aMazzoli, A. 000003554 700__ $$aMeseguer, J. 000003554 700__ $$aMorales, R. 000003554 700__ $$aOrban, A. 000003554 700__ $$aPastor-Morales, M. del Carmen 000003554 700__ $$aPerez-Grande, I. 000003554 700__ $$aQueirolo, C. 000003554 700__ $$aSaggin, B. 000003554 700__ $$aSamain, V. 000003554 700__ $$aSanz Andres, A. 000003554 700__ $$aSanz, R. 000003554 700__ $$aSimar, J.-F. 000003554 700__ $$aThibert, T. 000003554 700__ $$aZafra, J. J. 000003554 773__ $$n80$$pSpace Sci Rev$$v214$$y2018 000003554 8560_ $$fboris.giordanengo@observatoire.be 000003554 905__ $$apublished in 000003554 980__ $$aREFERD