Ref: OUTRART-2018-0002

The gravity of geophysics

Van Camp, M ; de Viron, O ; Watlet, A ; Meurers, B ; Francis, O ; Caudron, C

published in EOS, 98 (2017)

Abstract: Volcanoes, glaciers, tectonic activity and ocean dynamics all have an effect on the Earth’s gravity. A recent review article in Reviews of Geophysics described techniques for measuring changes in gravity over space and time. The journal’s editors asked the authors some questions about developments in this field and its application to the geosciences.

Keyword(s): Terrestrial gravimetry ; Geophysics ; Time-varying gravity
Links: link

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Seismology & Gravimetry
Outreach > Press Articles

 Record created 2018-02-05, last modified 2018-02-05