Ref: SCART-2018-0036

Interpreting coronal dimmings

Thompson, J. ; Allred, J.C. ; Downs, C. ; Kay, C. ; Kraaikamp, E. ; Krista, L.D. ; Mason, J.P. ; Nieves-Chinchilla, T. ; Reinard, A.A ; Verbeeck, C. ; Webb, D.F.

published in SDO 2016: Unraveling the Sun's Complexity, Proceedings of the conference held 17-21 October, 2016 in Burlington, VT (2016)

The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles
Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence

 Record created 2018-01-30, last modified 2018-01-30