Ref: CTALK-2017-0090

MAVEN EUVM Solar Occultation Measurements of Mars Thermospheric CO2.

Thiemann, E. ; Eparvier, F. ; Andersson, L. ; Dominique, M. ; Pilinski, M. ; Girazian, Z. ; Gröller, H. ; Elrod, M. ; Bougher, S. ; Lillis, R.

Talk presented at International Conference on Mars Aeronomy 2017 International Conference on Mars Aeronomy 2017, Boulder, Colorado on 2017-05-15

Funding: IAP P7/08 CHARM, Prodex SDE, Proba 2 GI/08 CHARM, Prodex SDE, Proba 2 GI

The record appears in these collections:
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Conference Talks > Contributed Talks
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Solar Physics & Space Weather (SIDC)

 Record created 2017-11-26, last modified 2017-11-26