      author        = "Mierla, M. and Rodriguez, L.  and Berghmans, D.  and
                       Besliu-Ionescu, D.  and Chifu, I.  and Dammasch, I.  and de
                       Groof, A. and Demetrescu, C.  and Dobrica, V.  and Gissot,
                       S.  and Hochedez, J.-F.  and Inhester, B.  and Magdalenic,
                       J.  and Maris, G.  and Nitoiu, D.  and Seaton, D.  and
                       Srivastava, N.  and West, M.  and Zhukov, A.N.",
      title         = "{Multispacecraft observations of 3 and 8 April 2010
                       Coronal Mass Ejections}",
      month         = "Nov",
      year          = "2010",