Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > New high resolution synthetic stellar libraries for the Gaia mission . |
Sordo, R. ; Vallenari, A. ; Bouret, J.-C. ; Brott, I. ; Edvardsson, B. ; Frémat, Y. ; Heber, U. ; Josselin, E. ; Kochukhov, O. ; Korn, A. ; Lanzafame, A. ; Martins, F. ; Schweitzer, A. ; Thévenin, F. ; Zorec, J.
published in Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 80, pp. 103 (2009)
Abstract: High resolution synthetic stellar libraries are of fundamental importance for the preparation of the Gaia Mission. We present new sets of spectral stellar libraries covering two spectral ranges: 300/1100 nm at 0.1 nm resolution, and 840/890 nm at 0.001 nm resolution. These libraries span a wide atmospheric parameters range, from super-metal-rich to very metal-poor (-5.0 [Fe/H]+1.0), from cool to hot (T_{eff }=3000-50000 K) stars, including peculiar abundance variations. Thanks to their spectral resolution, spectral type coverage and number of models, they represent a substantial improvement over previous libraries used in population synthesis models and in atmospheric analysis.
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