(93) Solar and Heliospheric Phenomena in October-November 2003: Causes and Effects
- Veselovsky, I.S. et al
- published in Cosmic Research, 42, pp. 435-488 (2004)
- SIDCimport-1326
(93) Understanding Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Signatures
- Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F. et al
- published in Space Science Reviews, 123 (2006)
- SIDCimport-317
(92) Fine thermal structure of coronal active regions from Hinode/XRT
- Reale, F. et al
- published in Science, 318, pp. 1582 (2007)
- SIDCimport-291
(92) SDP_mgroen01_3: The circumstellar environment in post-main-sequence objects
- Groenewegen, M.
- published in Herschel Space Observatory Proposal, id.308, pp. 308 (2011)
- ASTROimport-992
(92) Structure and Dynamics of the 2010 July 11 Eclipse White-light Corona
- Pasachoff, J.M. et al
- published in Astrophysical Journal, 734, pp. 114 (10pp) (2011)
- SIDCimport-503
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