Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > Emission-line Stars and Early-type Stars with Gaia |
Blomme, R. ; Frémat, Y. ; Lobel, A. ; Martayan, C.
published in EAS Publications Series, 45, pp. 373-376 (2011)
Abstract: Gaia will provide accurate parallaxes, spectrophotometry and spectroscopy for hundreds of thousands of emission-line stars across the whole HR diagram. In preparation for the Gaia mission, we are developing algorithms to recognize and classify emission-line stars. A large collection of ground-based spectroscopic observations has been collected and will be used for testing and training the algorithms. Gaia will also provide information on several millions of early-type stars. Determining accurate parameters for these stars from Gaia data only will be difficult due to the AV - Teff degeneracy.
DOI: 10.1051/eas/1045062
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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles