Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > GT2_mgroen01_7: Spectroscopy on the bow-shock of CW Leo |
published in Herschel Space Observatory Proposal, id.1555, pp. 1555 (2011)
Abstract: Herschel and Galex imaging have revealed the presence of a bowshock around CW Leo located at about 8 arcmin from the central star. The Herschel imaging data have been modelled by our team (Ladjal et al. in the A special issue) to show that the PACS and SPIRE continuum emission can be modelled by a modified blackbody with a temperature of 25 K. Follow-up IRAM 2-1 observations on the apex of the bowshock reveal that the CO is detected, at a velocity very different from the systemic velocity of CW Leo. In this follow-up proposal we plan to obtain a deep FTS spectrum and PACS line observation on the OI and CII cooling lines on the apex of the bowshock. If other CO lines will be detected we would be able to derive the rotational temperature near the apex of the bowshock which would reveal the physical conditions there.
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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles