(148) Observing the Unobservable: Identification and Characterization of Stealth Coronal Mass Ejections
- D'Huys, E.
- SIDCimport-1760
(147) Fine thermal structure of coronal active regions from Hinode/XRT
- Reale, F. et al
- published in Science, 318, pp. 1582 (2007)
- SIDCimport-291
(147) The Solar Influences Data analysis Center: current status of expanding activities
- Clette, F. et al
- submitted to ESA SP Series, 506, pp. 125--128 (2002)
- SIDCimport-6
(146) Euhforia, European Heliospheric Forecasting Information Asset
- Poedts, S. et al
- Talk presented at talk at the 7th meeting of the Science Operations WG of Solar Orbiter (ESAC, Madrid) on 2015-07-xx
- SIDCimport-1789
(145) Applicability of continuous H/V spectral ratio analysis for volcano monitoring
- Meyer, Lauriane
- THESIS-2016-0002
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