Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > Scientific perspectives from Gaia data of Solar System objects |
Tanga, P. ; Berthier, J. ; Cellino, A. ; Delbo', M. ; Dell'Oro, A. ; Hestroffer, D. ; Mignard, F. ; Muinonen, K. ; Petit, J.-M. ; Pauwels, T. ; Thuillot, W.
published in European Planetary Science Congress 2014, EPSC Abstracts, 9, pp. EPSC2014-486 (2014)
Abstract: Gaia will collect asteroid observations over 5 years, with a limiting magnitude V~20 (>300,000 objects). Observations will include very precise astrometry and photometry, and low resolution spectra. Over the last few years, the Coordination Unit 4 of Gaia's Data Processing and Analysis Consortium has built the data reduction pipeline that will produce the expected products for Solar System science. We will outline the performances and limitations of these processing chains. The implementation of the pipelines is mainly devoted to a general treatment for deriving the bulk properties of the largest possible sample of minor planets. The DPAC processing is based uniquely on Gaia data, in order to produce a homogeneous outcome independent from other surveys.
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Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles