Ref: ASTROimport-857

Brightening of Blazar S5 1803+78

Lampens, P. ; Cauteren, P. V.

published in The Astronomer's Telegram, 7988 (2015)

Abstract: We report significant brightening in the filter V of the blazar S5 1803+78 according to the following observations: 2015 03 18.187 V 15.47 2015 06 07.027 V 16.19 2015 06 17.018 V 16.40 2015 08 22.901 V 14.65 2015 08 29.911 V 14.24 The comparison star (18h00m33.88s +78 deg;28'33.5"), adopted from the AAVSO sequence, has mag 15.73 (V).

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The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles

 Record created 2016-07-01, last modified 2016-07-01