Ref: ASTROimport-848

The Very Fast Evolution of V4334 Sgr

Hoof, P. A. M. ; Van de Steene, G. C. ; Kimeswenger, S. ; Zijlstra, A. A. ; Hadjuk, M. ; Herwig, F.

published in EAS Publications Series, 71, pp. 287-288 (2015)

Abstract: V4334 Sgr (Sakurai*s object) is an evolved star that underwent a very late thermal pulse ejecting a new, hydrogen-deficient nebula inside the old planetary nebula. From 2001 through 2007 the emission lines from the new nebula showed an exponential decline in flux, consistent with a shock that occurred around 1998 and started cooling soon afterwards. Since 2008 the line fluxes have been continuously rising again. Our preliminary interpretation is that this emission comes from a region close to the central star, and is excited by a second shock, which may have been induced by an increase in the stellar mass loss and wind velocity associated with a rise in the stellar temperature.

DOI: 10.1051/eas/1571064
Links: link

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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles

 Record created 2016-07-01, last modified 2016-07-01