(81) On the co-existence of chemically peculiar Bp stars, slowly pulsating B stars and constant B stars in the same part of the HR diagram
- Briquet, M. et al
- published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 466, pp. 269-276 (2007)
- ASTROimport-171
(81) Fine thermal structure of coronal active regions from Hinode/XRT
- Reale, F. et al
- published in Science, 318, pp. 1582 (2007)
- SIDCimport-291
(80) XRT Detection of Hot Plasma in Active Regions and Nanoflare Heating
- Reale, F. et al
- published in ASP Conference Series, 415, pp. 256 (2009)
- SIDCimport-443
(80) Radio-triangulation of an unusual solar radio burst possibly originating from the CME-CME interaction
- Magdalenic, J. et al
- Talk presented at 12th European Space Weather Week, 23 – 27 November 2015, Oostende, Belgium on 2015-11-xx
- SIDCimport-1818
(80) The Herschel view of the nebula around the luminous blue variable star AG Carinae
- Vamvatira-Nakou, C. et al
- published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 578, pp. A108 (2015)
- ASTROimport-267
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