Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > Spectral disentangling and combined orbital solution for the Hyades binary Theta~2~Tau |
Lampens, P. ; Frémat, Y. ; De Cat, P. ; Hensberge, H.
published in Binary Stars as Critical Tools Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics, 240, pp. 213 (2007)
Abstract: Theta~2~Tau is a detached, "single-lined" binary and the most massive resolved spectroscopic binary of the Hyades cluster. It also shows a complex pattern of pulsations of type Delta Scuti. Its eccentric orbit (e=0.7) has a periodicity of 140.7 days. Component~B is very difficult to detect spectroscopically. For this reason, the few radial velocities published in the literature are inaccurate. From recent high-resolution spectroscopic data obtained with the ELODIE spectrograph at the OHP (France), we derived accurate radial velocities for *both* components applying a spectral disentangling algorithm (by P. Hadrava, 1999). We then combined these measurements with available very-large baseline interferometric data in order to improve the knowledge of the orbital parameters and derived fundamental properties in a self-consistent way. Such determination is also very pertinent to revisit the evolutionary status of both components.
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