Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > Uccle Carte du Ciel Plate Catalogue Present in the WFPDB |
Tsvetkova, K. ; Tsvetkov, M. ; Lampens, P. ; Duval, D.
published in JENAM-2007, "Our Non-Stable Universe", pp. 86-86 (2007)
Abstract: We present the catalogue of the Carte du Ciel plates collected at the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) and incorporated in the Wide-Field Plate Database. The catalogue comprises the descriptive information for 682 plates obtained with the Gautier 0.33-m equatorial telescope in the framework of the Carte du Ciel project in the period 1908-1939. The plates were taken using triple exposures with duration of 15 to 30 minutes. An analysis of the ROB CdC catalogue's content is presented. The catalogue, as well as the plate previews taken with a flatbed scanner AGFA (model DUOSCAN HiD) with a resolution of 250 dpi in TIFF format (of size 2.5 MB), are available on-line at http://www.skyarchive.org/.
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The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles