Ref: ASTROimport-715

Ground-Based Observations for Gaia (GBOG)

Soubiran, C. ; Allende Prieto, C. ; Altmann, M. ; Bragaglia, A. ; Clementini, G. ; Frémat, Y. ; Heiter, U. ; Joliet, E. ; Pancino, E. ; Sartoretti, P. ; Smart, R. ; Thuillot, W.

published in SF2A-2008, pp. 35 (2008)

Abstract: This contribution gives an overview of the ground-based observing efforts organized to collect the auxiliary data mandatory for the calibrations and tests of the Gaia data processing.

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The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles

 Record created 2016-07-01, last modified 2016-07-01