Home > Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles > The eclipsing binary HD 92024: getting the orbit |
Freyhammer, L. M. ; Hensberge, H. ; Sterken, C. ; Pavlovski, K. ; Smetter, A. ; Ilijic, S.
published in Spectroscopically and Spatially Resolving the Components of the Close Binary Stars, 318, pp. 334-337 (2004)
Abstract: HD 92024 (=V381 Car) is an SB1 eclipsing binary system with a ß Cephei star as primary component. We report on the progress of a combined photometric and spectroscopic investigation of this binary, being the only one of its kind known in the southern hemisphere. Pulsating components of spectroscopic binaries often introduce substantial line-profile variations in the spectra that hamper the determination of orbital radial-velocity amplitudes, and thus also of the stellar masses. Here, in order to minimise the bias from line-profile variations on the orbital RVs, we use selected matched-profile RV differences to derive the orbital parameters. The method is compared to straightforward cross-correlation with an averaged spectrum.
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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
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