Ref: ASTROimport-649

Slowly pulsating B stars as asteroseismic targets for Eddington

De Cat, P. ; Aerts, C.

published in Stellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding, 485, pp. 257-260 (2002)

Abstract: We present the results of a global observational study for slowly pulsating B stars. In order to study the global pulsational behaviour of this class of massive main sequence g-mode pulsators, 17 bright southern (candidate) slowly pulsating B stars were selected for long-term ground based follow-up campaigns. Spectroscopic and photometric measurements were gathered between March 1996 and March 1998. At least nine of our target stars turn out to be spectroscopic binaries. Thirteen targets are now classified as a confirmed slowly pulsating B star. At least nine of them are multi-periodic. For three stars, the observed frequency spacings point towards the existence of frequency multiplets. No (clear) evidence is found for the influence of stellar rotation on pulsation. We plan to start very-long term ground-based monitoring for the most promising targets with the goal of a seismic study. Eddington will monitor its programme stars for asteroseismology during approximately one-two months. As shown in this paper, this time base is insufficient for the study of slowly pulsating B stars. We propose, however, to perform a very detailed study of the frequency behaviour and thus of the internal structure of slowly pulsating B stars, by making use of the data obtained in the framework of the 3-year continuous monitoring of the stars in the field selected to search for extra solar planets.

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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles

 Record created 2016-07-01, last modified 2016-07-01