Home > Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles > PREFACE: Stellar Atmospheres in the Gaia Era - Preface |
Lobel, A. ; De Greve, J.-P. ; Van Rensbergen, W.
published in Journal of Physics Conference Series, 328, pp. 011001 (2011)
Abstract: Volume 328 (2011) of the Journal of Physics: Conference Series provides a record of the invited and contributed talks, and of the posters presented at the GREAT-ESF workshop entitled `Stellar Atmospheres in the Gaia Era: Quantitative Spectroscopy and Comparative Spectrum Modelling' (http://great-esf.oma.be and mirrored at http://spectri.freeshell.org/great-esf). The conference was held on 23-24 June 2011 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. 47 scientists from 11 countries around the world attended the workshop. The ESA-Gaia satellite (launch mid 2013) will observe a billion stellar objects in the Galaxy and provide spectrophotometric and high-resolution spectra of an unprecedented number of stars observed with a space-based instrument. The confrontation of these data with theoretical models will significantly advance our understanding of the physics of stellar atmospheres. New stellar populations such as previously unknown emission line stars will be discovered, and fundamental questions such as the basic scenarios of stellar evolution will be addressed with Gaia data. The 33 presentations and 4 main discussion sessions at the workshop addressed important topics in spectrum synthesis methods and detailed line profile calculations urgently needed for accurate modelling of stellar spectra. It brought together leading scientists and students of the stellar physics communities investigating hot and cool star spectra. The scientific programme of the workshop consisted of 23 oral (6 invited) and 10 poster presentations about cool stars (first day; Comparative Spectrum Modelling and Quantitative Spectroscopy of Cool Stars), and hot stars (second day; Quantitative Spectroscopy of Hot Stars). The hot and cool stars communities use different spectrum modelling codes for determining basic parameters such as the effective temperature, surface gravity, iron abundance, and the chemical composition of stellar atmospheres. The chaired sessions of the first day highlighted new research results with spectral synthesis codes developed for cool stars, while the second day focused on codes applied for modeling the spectra of hot stars. The workshop addressed five major topics in stellar atmospheres research: Spectrum synthesis codes Radiation hydrodynamics codes Atmospheric parameters, abundance, metallicity, and chemical tagging studies Large spectroscopic surveys New atomic database The workshop presentations discussed various important scientific issues by comparing detailed model spectra to identify differences that can influence and bias the resulting atmospheric parameters. Theoretical line-blanketed model spectra were compared in detail to high-resolution spectroscopic observations. Stellar spectra computed (i.e., in the Gaia Radial Velocity Spectrometer wavelength range) with 1-D model atmosphere structures were mutually compared, but also to 3-D models from advanced radiation hydrodynamics codes. Atmospheric parameters derived from spectrum synthesis calculations assuming Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) were evaluated against more sophisticated non-LTE models of metal-poor stars and the extended atmospheres of giants and supergiants. The workshop presented an overview of high-resolution synthetic spectral libraries of model spectra computed with the synthesis codes. The spectral model grids will be utilized to derive stellar parameters with the Discrete Source Classifier Algorithms currently under development in the Gaia DPAC consortium (http://www.rssd.esa.int/index.php?project=GAIA=DPAC_Introduction). They are implemented for training Gaia data analysis algorithms for the classification of a wide variety of hot and cool star types; FGK and M stars, OB stars, white dwarfs, red supergiants, peculiar A and B stars, carbon stars, ultra cool dwarfs, various types of emission line stars, Be stars, Wolf-Rayet stars, etc. A substantial number of oral and poster presentations discussed different techniques for measuring the abundance of various chemical elements from stellar spectra. The presented methods utilize spectra observed with large spectral dispersion, for example for accurately measuring iron, carbon, and nitrogen abundances. These methods are important for ongoing development and testing of automated and supervised algorithms for determining detailed chemical composition in tagging studies of large (chemo-dynamical) spectroscopic surveys planned to complement the Gaia (astrometric and kinematic) census of the Galaxy. The complete scientific programme is available here. The workshop website also offers the presentation viewgraphs (in PDF format) and some nice photographs of the talks and poster breaks http://great-esf.oma.be/program.php.
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/328/1/011001
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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles