Home > Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles > Fourier Disentangling of Composite Spectra |
Ilijic, S. ; Hensberge, H. ; Pavlovski, K.
published in Astrotomography, Indirect Imaging Methods in Observational Astronomy, 573, pp. 269 (2001)
Abstract: The Fourier disentangling algorithm can be applied on a time series of observed composite spectra to obtain orbital parameters and component spectra, in the assumption that the intrinsic spectra do not vary with time. Applications are shortly reviewed with the purpose to emphasize the power of the method. Thereafter, the progression of noise from the input data into the disentangled spectra and the orbital parameters is discussed. It is concluded that no bias is introduced by purely random noise when the necessary precautions are taken. Systematic noise is presently discussed from an empirical viewpoint.
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Royal Observatory of Belgium > Astronomy & Astrophysics
Science Articles > Peer Reviewed Articles