(178) Observing the Unobservable: Identification and Characterization of Stealth Coronal Mass Ejections
- D'Huys, E.
- SIDCimport-1760
(178) The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey
- Gilmore, G. et al
- published in The Messenger, 147, pp. 25-31 (2012)
- ASTROimport-943
(177) Gaia-ESO Survey: Empirical classification of VLT/Giraffe stellar spectra in the wavelength range 6440-6810 Å in the γ Velorum cluster, and calibration of spectral indices
- Damiani, F. et al
- published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 566, pp. A50 (2014)
- ASTROimport-309
(175) Global Variations and Asymmetry of the Sun During Extremely High Activity in October-November 2003
- Veselovsky, I.S. et al
- published in Solar System Research, 39, pp. 169-175 (2005)
- SIDCimport-127
(175) COMESEP Deliverable D5.5: Report on the evaluation of forecasting tools
- Dalla, S. et al
- published in Internal COMESEP report (2013)
- SIDCimport-1089
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