Ref: SISMOimport-361

The European Database of Seismogenic Faults (EDSF) compiled in the framework of the Project SHARE

Basili, Roberto ; Kastelic, V. ; Demircioglu, M. B. ; Garcia Moreno, David ; Nemser, E.S. ; Petricca, P. ; Sboras, S.B. ; Besana-Ostman, G.M. ; Cabral, J. ; Camelbeeck, Thierry ; Caputo, R. ; Danciu, L. ; Domac, H. ; Fonseca, J. ; Garcia-Mayordomo, J. ; Giardini, D. ; Glavatovic, B. ; Gulen, L. ; Ince, Y. ; Pavlides, S. ; Sesetyan, K. ; Tarabusi, G. ; Tiberti, M.M. ; Utkucu, M. ; Valensise, G. ; Vanneste, Kris ; Vilanova, S. ; Wössner, J.

published in Online database (2013)

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The record appears in these collections:
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Seismology & Gravimetry
Science Articles > Non-refereed Articles

 Record created 2016-02-22, last modified 2016-02-22