Ref: SISMOimport-272

Active faults of the Ufipa plateau, Tanganyika-Rukwa rift system in W-Tanzania

Macheyeki, Athanas S. ; Delvaux, Damien ; Kervyn, François ; Petermans, Toon ; Verbeeck, Koen ; Temu, E.B.

Talk presented at 21st Colloquium of African Geology, Maputo, Moçambique, 03-05.07.2006. Geosciences for Poverty Relief! on 2006-07-xx

The record appears in these collections:
Conference Contributions & Seminars > Conference Talks > Contributed Talks
Royal Observatory of Belgium > Seismology & Gravimetry

 Record created 2016-02-22, last modified 2016-02-22